Thursday 4 October 2012


These tableau vivant images, or living images are narrative filled. They are still scenes with activity and the sense of time passed. I find when i take pictures, i fit myself to the scene, i think I'd feel like i was cheating if i asked someone to pose for me. Plus, actors or not, i find people could never do exactly what i wanted them to, and I'd end up taking pictures of myself, which is even less ideal because i would be 100 times more critical. I enjoy the fluidity of a spontaneous picture, it may work, it may not. As soon as i put too much thought into a shot, i take rubbish pictures. I found this was so with the second image project (juxtaposed images). I was trying to hard to relate one picture to another, rather than just taking as many interesting images as possible.
The images journalists capture are perhaps a good combination of spontaneity and staging. They go to places where there will almost certainly be a photo opportunity and just click away, trigger happy. Compositionally the images may not be ideal, but this adds to the rich narrative these images often have.

Ivan Avarado/ Reuters. Source : as above.

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