Tuesday 2 October 2012

Artist Summary - Jeff Wall

Jeff Wall was a prominent tableau vivant contemporary photographic artist; meaning his images were staged or choreographed to create a solidly recognisable narrative. The word tableau vivant means ‘living picture’. Wall discusses two styles of living pictures which he uses; the one being the ornate artifice is obvious in that the images narrative is fantastical such as Insomnia. And the other style which is much more subtle and the images staging is less obvious such as in Passerby, where it is a glance, something more naturally staged than Walls other style. Since the 1980's Wall began using digital manipulation to create his desired effect. Wall also appropriates Renaissance style artifices such as angles that lead the eye to another section of the image. The use of light boxes to display his work gives a balance between photograph and painting that niether would achieve alone. The light box gives the images a greater presence and gives the sense of advertisements on billboards, yet because his work is viewed in gallery spaces rather than on buildings, one gives greater time and thought to his work.

Jeff Wall, Insomnia. Taken from googleimages.com

Jeff Wall, Passerby. Taken from googleimages.com

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